• Usinage FR
    specializes in the fabrication and modification of parts of all types from small to large quantities
  • We are well known for the precision of our work
  • Usinage FR
    Fabricate and assemble parts of equipment for manufacturing industries

Owner since 1999, M. François Rossignol possesses many years of experience in the field as a machinist and teacher in tooling techniques. In 2010 M. Michaël Michaud joint François as co-owner. Throughout the years, François and Michaël have developped many aptitudes that allows the enterprise to stand out. The enterprise is certified ISO 9001:2008 since 2012.

Our mission

It is with a constant preoccupation and desire to improve their service and methods that Usinage FR fabricates and assembles parts of equipment destined for the manufacturing industry. We are renowned for the precision of our work, the quality of our relationships with our clients and our capacity to adapt. We care and respect our commitments and aim to satisfy the expectations of our clients.



  • Respect
  • Service
  • Quality
  • Professionalism


François Rossignol

francois( @ )usinagefr( . )com

Michaël Michaud

Sales manager
michael( @ )usinagefr( . )com

Kathya April

comptabilite( @ )usinagefr( . )com

Erika Caron

erika( @ )usinagefr( . )com

François Paradis

Sales Assistant
f.paradis( @ )usinagefr( . )com

Joelle Rivard

Quality Assurance Manager
j.rivard( @ )usinagefr( . )com

Entreprise certified
ISO 9001:2015


To become a major tooling industry in Eastern Quebec because of:

  • acquisition of new technology
  • our capacity to attract, conserve and train new members on our team
  • our willpower to respond rapidly to our customers request
  • our aptitude to develop new work methods and good management allowing us to optimize the use of our resources
  • our presence and listening on targeted markets

We will be known for being a team that offers reliable service, works conscientiously, and with whom it is easy and confortable to work and maintain a long term relationship.